The president of the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne (FCFA) du Canada, Jean Johnson, issued the following statement on the result of Monday’s election in New Brunswick:
“As a national organization, the FCFA seldom comments on the results of provincial elections. However, an exceptional situation calls for exceptional measures. I’m speaking up today on behalf of 18 organizations representing 2.7 million French-speaking Canadians living in minority communities throughout Canada, to express solidarity and support for our Acadian brothers and sisters in New Brunswick.
New Brunswick Acadians and Francophones were unjustly targeted during an election campaign where core tenets of linguistic duality in the province were put in question. A party calling for rolling back linguistic duality and eroding the rights of Acadians and Francophones may now hold the balance of power in the provincial legislative assembly. Faced with this situation, Canada’s Francophones cannot remain silent.
We stand resolutely with the Société de l’Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick (SANB) in its call to the province’s two main parties to not associate, in their quest to form the next government, with a party opposed to linguistic duality.
I call on all Canadians who recognize linguistic duality as a core value of our country, including our federal MPs and Senators, to voice their support for New Brunwick’s Acadian and Francophones and their language rights.”